Monday, August 30, 2010

Web Scavenger Hunt

  1. In regard to Internet Protocols, explain what is meant by the “handshake”. I used in google search engine: "internet protocols handshake" 1st link: handshake protocol is used to establish a connection between two entities on a computer network. The protocol establishes the link and usually passes information about each entity to the other.
  2. Who is Tim Berners-Lee and what was his role in development of the Internet? Tim Berners graduated from Oxford. British engineer, computer scientist and MIT professor. He invented the World Wide Web.
  3. In what year was the first World-Wide Web software created by Tim Berners-Lee? It was created in 1990.
  4. What is a homepage? It is the URL that loads when a web browser starts.
  5. What is a digital design? It's the design or digital print made for a website's publication.
  6. Give three examples of web programming languages. Aspect-Oriented languages, Extension languages and Authoring languages.
  7. What does W3C stand for? What year was the group formed? Who formed it? World Wide Web Consortium. It was formed in October 1994 by Tim Berners Lee.
  8. What year was the Web Standards Project formed? Who formed the group? Founded in 1998, the group was formed by Tim Berners.
  9. Project Gutenberg puts public domain literature and information on the Internet. What was the first document posted? "project gutenberg's first document" - the declaration of independence.
  10. Douglas Engelbart was a computer visionary of the 1960’s. What did he invent that you find handy? Douglas invented the mouse which is really important as to how it made computers a lot more efficient for the use of people.
  11. Define SaaS. SaaS means: Software as a Service.
  12. What is a computer virus? it's a program designed to replicate itself into other programs in a computer.
  13. What was ENIAC? It is the first digital computer created.
  14. List three causes and 3 symptoms of Internet Addiction Disorder. When entering the web, it is proposed that it can cause a certain feeling that becomes almost addictive. Games on the web and chat rooms can lead to addiction due to family problems because it offers an escape for many people. A symptom is the simple fact of using the internet for extended periods of time. Lack of sleep or fatigue are also symptoms of this disorder.
  15. Aside from the W3C and WaSP, list two entities that help govern the web. The IAB (internet activities board) and the IETF (Internet engineering task force).